Ultimate Guide to CBG Edibles: Everything You Need To Know

Ultimate Guide to CBG Edibles: Everything You Need To Know

As more states in the US legalize cannabis and more medical research reveals the potential benefits of hemp-derived products, CBG edibles are seeing a meteoric rise on the market.  But not all cannabinoid products are made the same, and not all of them produce the same results. 

So what is CBG good for, and what’s the difference between CBG vs CBD?  And what’s the difference between edibles and sublingual administration?  Where flavor meets function, learn more about why many people are turning to these alternative consumption methods for a delicious and potentially healthful addition to their wellness routines.

What Is CBG? 

CBG is short for cannabigerol, which is a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. CBG is one of over 100 cannabinoids identified in cannabis, alongside other well-known compounds like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). CBG is often referred to as the "mother” or “parent” cannabinoid because it is a precursor to other cannabinoids.  Enzymes in the plant break down CBG and convert it into various cannabinoids during growth.

CBG is non-intoxicating, so it doesn’t produce a "high" like THC. While research is in its early stages, CBG is gaining attention for potential health benefits. It interacts and corresponds with the endocannabinoid system, which is an intricate network of receptors in the body involved in maintaining balance.

Studies suggest that CBG may have anti-inflammatory properties, making it a potential candidate for conditions involving inflammation. It may also influence the central nervous system, potentially impacting mood and behavior. Additionally, CBG shows promise in areas such as digestive health, acting as a possible stimulant for appetite.

What Are CBG Edibles? 

CBG edibles are consumable products infused with cannabigerol, the non-psychoactive, non-intoxicating cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. CBG edibles are known for their potential therapeutic benefits without producing a psychoactive effect. These edibles can come in many different forms, including lozenges, gummies, chocolates, and baked goods. In these various forms, edible cannabigerol provides a discreet and convenient way to consume CBG. 

While gummy candies, cookies, and chocolates are indeed fun to consume, research shows this is the least efficient way to dose, which means it has low bioavailability.

When we eat cannabinoid-infused foods, much of the active ingredients fall prey to the process of digestion. Compounds that are digested by the stomach then go through the liver before they enter the bloodstream. Therefore, the absorption is low compared to other methods.

One study reported only about 4-20% of the total CBG dose gets absorbed and utilized by the body through edible consumption.

In today's rapidly expanding world of new CBG dosage forms, sublinguals are undeniably experiencing a surge in popularity. Under-the-tongue tabs, tinctures, and lozenges have emerged as a rapidly growing subsector within the non-psychoactive cannabinoid industry, offering discreet relief in various convenient packages. What sets sublinguals apart from other dosage forms is their unique metabolism process, which allows them to act faster than edibles.

Devotees of sublingual CBG praise its suitability for use in professional or educational settings due to its quick and easy administration. Moreover, sublingual CBG is absorbed into the bloodstream more rapidly than CBG found in edibles, often providing relief within a mere 15 minutes or less. Additionally, the effects of sublingual CBG are relatively brief and controllable when compared to smoking, vaping, or consuming edibles. This aspect is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking to manage the onset and duration of their CBG usage.

The rising popularity of sublingual CBG is a testament to its effectiveness and convenience. As the CBG industry continues to evolve, sublinguals are poised to play a significant role in meeting the diverse needs of consumers seeking fast-acting relief in a discreet and manageable manner.

CBG edibles may potentially alleviate issues such as inflammation, pain, and anxiety. Since cannabigerol is less prevalent in cannabis than CBD or THC, CBG-based products are a newer yet evolving segment in the cannabis market, attracting users interested in exploring the diverse effects of different cannabinoids.

How Does CBG Occur in Cannabis Plants? 

CBG starts as cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), the precursor to major cannabinoids. As the cannabis plant matures, CBGA converts into CBG, THC, or CBD, depending on specific enzymes and environmental factors. From there, different cannabinoids are chemically extracted, resulting in a myriad of different cannabis-derived products.

What Are the Benefits of CBG? 

Research is still ongoing, but consumer reports are showing various potential benefits of CBG, including the following:

  1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties:
  • CBG may show promise in addressing inflammation, offering potential relief for conditions like arthritis by interacting with the body's inflammatory response.
  1. Support for Digestive Health:
  • CBG's possible influence on the endocannabinoid system may promote gastrointestinal health. This could make it a potential choice for those seeking natural support for digestive well-being.
  1. Interaction with the Endocannabinoid System:
  • CBG may play a role in maintaining physiological balance by interacting with CB1 and CB2 receptors, influencing functions such as mood, appetite, and immune response.
  1. Mood Modulation:
  • CBG's modulation of mood-related receptors in the brain suggests it may contribute to a sense of calmness and emotional balance, making it a conceivable ally for mental and emotional well-being.
  1. Neuroprotective Effects:
  • Preliminary research hints at CBG's possible neuroprotective properties, suggesting a potential role in supporting nervous system health and offering speculative hope for conditions related to nerve function.

What Are the Differences Between CBG vs. CBD? 

CBD and CBG are distinct cannabinoids with unique properties. While both originate from the cannabis plant, their structures and potential effects differ. CBD is widely known for its non-psychoactive nature and is often associated with relaxation, stress relief, and sleep support. Alternatively, CBG is gaining attention for potential benefits in reducing nausea, pain relief, possible improved digestive health, and possible mood modulation.

Is CBG Stronger Than CBD? 

CBG interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS). The endocannabinoid system is responsible for maintaining internal homeostasis of many important biological processes related to mood, sleep, memory, appetite, reproduction, and immune responses.

The ECS is composed of a system of cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body: CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are usually found in the nervous system and brain. CB2 receptors are mainly found in the immune system.

Cannabigerol, in particular, binds to both receptors and amplifies the effects of anandamide, a neurotransmitter known as the “bliss molecule,” which is responsible for affecting motivation, appetite, sleep, pleasure, and pain.  Due to this, many people find CBG to be more effective, and in turn to make other cannabinoids it is taken in conjunction with more effective - so it may FEEL stronger.

The perceived strength varies based on individual chemistry and preferred outcomes — those seeking targeted anti-inflammation support may find CBG more impactful, while individuals prioritizing relaxation may favor CBD. Exploring these nuances and discussing the differences between hemp-derived products with a medical professional can empower individuals to make better-informed decisions according to their wellness objectives. 

How Is CBG Extracted? 

Extracting CBG involves specific processes to isolate this cannabinoid from the cannabis plant. As CBG is present in relatively low concentrations, extraction methods aim to yield a concentrated and pure extract.

One common method used to extract CBG is CO2 extraction, a technique using carbon dioxide as a solvent. This method involves placing cannabis plant material in a chamber and exposing it to high-pressure CO2. The CO2 acts as a solvent, extracting cannabinoids, including CBG, without leaving residual solvents in the final product. This process is favored for its efficiency and ability to produce high-quality extracts.

Another method is ethanol extraction, where ethanol is used as a solvent to strip cannabinoids from the plant material. This process is generally less expensive than CO2 extraction but may extract a broader spectrum of compounds, requiring additional refinement to isolate CBG.

Why Choose Kine for a More Effective Product than CBG Edibles? 

Kine prioritizes your well-being by offering CBG sublinguals of the highest quality. Our commitment to excellence is evident in every product, making us the ideal choice for your wellness journey.

  • High Quality: Our CBG products are created with the utmost care, using only premium ingredients to ensure top-notch quality that aligns with your health goals.
  • Sugar Free, Vegan, and Gluten Free: Catering to diverse dietary preferences, our CBG formulations contain no sugar and are vegan and gluten free, promoting inclusivity and accessibility for all.
  • Regular Quality Testing: Our products undergo rigorous testing regularly to guarantee consistency and purity. This commitment reflects our dedication to delivering reliable and trustworthy CBG edibles, and testing results are always available for review on our website: https://getkine.com/pages/testing-results

Explore Our Range of CBG Products

For high-quality CBG edibles, look no further than GetKine.com. Elevate your quest for wellness with our premium selection of CBG-infused products. Experience the benefits of CBG in the most effective forms, crafted to perfection.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About CBG Edibles

Does CBG make you feel high?

No, CBG is non-intoxicating and does not produce a "high" feeling associated with THC. It offers potential wellness benefits without psychoactive effects.

What are the negative effects of CBG?

While generally well-tolerated, CBG may cause mild side effects like dry mouth or drowsiness. We recommend you speak to a doctor or healthcare professional about your personal physical health and its potential response to CBG.

How do CBG edibles differ from other edibles?

Unlike THC-infused edibles, CBG edibles are non-intoxicating and offer potential wellness benefits without the psychoactive effects.

How do CBG edibles work?

CBG interacts with the endocannabinoid system, influencing various physiological processes. When CBG is ingested orally, it is absorbed and broken down by the digestive system. From the stomach, it goes to the liver where it is further metabolized (broken down) by enzymes before passing on what remains of the compounds into the bloodstream. The phenomenon of cannabinoids being lost to the liver and gut is known as the first pass metabolism. So, while ingesting CBD orally may be the easiest method, it isn’t necessarily the most efficient.The sublingual method allows CBG to completely bypass the digestive system and liver metabolism, so the compounds can avoid being broken down by enzymes and reach the bloodstream more quickly.  Buccal administration involves placing the product between your gums and cheek, where it also dissolves and is absorbed into your blood.

Are CBG edibles legal?

Legality depends on regional regulations. In many places, CBG derived from hemp is legal, but it's essential to check local laws regarding cannabinoid-infused products.

How long does it take for CBG edibles to take effect?

The onset time varies, but users typically start experiencing effects within 30 minutes to 2 hours after consumption. Sublinguals, on the other hand, will generally take effect in 15-20 minutes. This means that the effects of the CBG can be felt more quickly and effectively, providing potential benefits to the user.  Factors like metabolism and individual sensitivity influence the onset time.

Are CBG edibles suitable for everyone?

CBG edibles are generally well-tolerated, but individual reactions may vary. Please discuss your concerns or questions with your healthcare provider to confirm whether CBG is suitable for you.