CBG for Fitness and Exercise Recovery?

CBG for Fitness and Exercise Recovery?

Let's face it, we all have a desire to be as healthy as we can be, as this is not only vital for our physical wellbeing, but our mental health as well. There are many healthy life choices that you can make, such as eating a balanced diet, drinking enough water, and spending time with friends and family, to name just a few. Taking up a fitness routine is also a great way to enhance your healthy lifestyle. This change needn't be anything major; it could be simply taking a half-hour walk each day. If you're feeling more ambitious, you may enjoy weightlifting or bodybuilding. Taking the time out to allow your body to recover is vital, and this is the focus of our article – CBG for recovery! So, make sure that you keep reading to uncover how the CBG cannabinoid could help level up your exercise recovery routine.

Is CBG Good for Working Out?

While research on CBG is still evolving, preliminary studies propose it may have great benefits for those engaged in fitness routines. CBG is thought to effectively interact with the body's endocannabinoid system, which regulates various bodily functions, including pain, inflammation, and energy balance. This interaction could potentially make CBG for fitness a viable aid. To illustrate, here are a few potential benefits this cannabinoid may manifest in workouts:

Reducing Inflammation: Early studies indicate that CBG may help reduce inflammation, a common consequence of intense physical activity.

Managing Pain: CBG has shown promise in pain management, which may be beneficial in addressing muscle soreness and discomfort post-exercise.

Enhancing Bone Health: Initial research suggests CBG may support bone health, which is important for individuals engaging in high-impact workouts.

However, it's important to note that most current research is in preliminary stages, and more comprehensive human studies are needed. Individuals considering CBG for fitness and workout enhancement should talk to their doctor or healthcare professional to check the safety and appropriateness of their specific health conditions and fitness goals, especially if you’re taking any other medications or if you have pre-existing health conditions.

What is CBG?

Let's begin by tackling the frequently asked question, 'what is CBG'? Cannabigerol, more commonly referred to as CBG, is one of the cannabinoids that resides in the cannabis plant. Interestingly, CBG is often classed as the 'mother' of all of the other cannabinoids. This is because the other cannabinoids in hemp plants can be created from cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), an acidic form of CBG. It's highly likely that you have heard of the extremely popular CBD cannabinoid. Much like CBD, CBG is a non-psychotropic cannabinoid which means that it won't alter the user's mental state if consumed. This distinction is in direct contrast to the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cannabinoid. 

How CBG Works

To understand the possible impact of CBG, it helps to know how CBD might potentially work in the human body. Put simply, our bodies naturally contain two different types of cannabinoid receptors. These are CB1 and CB2 receptors. The latter are found in the immune system cells and across other body areas, while CB1 receptors are present in the brain and central nervous system. Unlike CBD, CBG may directly bind to both of these receptors and potentially influence the neurotransmitter anandamide. This neurotransmitter plays a fundamental role in many functions, such as sleep, appetite, and managing pain.

How Do You Take CBG for Fitness?

High-quality and pure CBG products are actually pretty rare and hard to come by - making it all the more meaningful when you find the right one. This scarcity can make the process of searching for a premium CBG product seem like a lot of effort. However, the truth is it doesn't have to be!  Kine has focused on 99% pure CBG sublingual lozenges and tinctures - for the cleanest, most effective administration.

CBG and Exercise Recovery: The Current Research

What does the current scientific literature say about CBG and exercise recovery? It's important to note here that no specific studies have been conducted on cannabigerol and exercise recovery. Additionally, CBG research remains in its infancy, despite garnering more attention during recent years. Regardless, there are particular areas of CBG research that may bring something helpful to the conversation during those all-important exercise recovery times.

CBG and Pain Symptoms

CBD may hold potential in the management of pain symptoms, particularly signs of chronic pain, but what about CBG? One study published in 2017 suggested that CBG may possibly show promise as an antioxidant agent. Furthermore, CBG may offer some more impactful possibilities for pain symptoms when compared to the THC cannabinoid. This is intriguing because, as we know, the isolated THC cannabinoid can cause intoxication when consumed in excessive quantities.

Pain is common following exercise, particularly if you have begun a new exercise routine or increased the intensity levels of your current routine. This post-workout discomfort has a name; it's known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). It can cause pain and stiffness in your muscles and prevent you from continuing with your routine. These sensations can be incredibly frustrating and even a little debilitating. 

Is CBG Better Than CBD for Muscle Pain?

When it comes to managing muscle pain, both CBG and CBD have shown potential, but their mechanisms and effectiveness can vary. CBG is thought to interact more directly with the body's cannabinoid receptors, which may influence pain management. Some studies suggest that CBG may offer benefits in reducing inflammation and pain, which are common after intense workouts.

Alternatively, CBD has been more extensively studied for its pain-relieving properties. It's known for its possible anti-inflammatory effects and ability to help manage chronic pain, including muscle soreness.

It's important to note that individual responses to CBG and CBD can vary, and what works for one person may not work for another. The choice between CBG and CBD for muscle pain should be based on personal experience under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Further research is needed to conclusively determine whether one is more effective than the other for muscle pain relief.

CBG and Signs of Inflammation

Leading on from the above, there’s also evidence that CBG may potentially impact some signs of inflammation in the body. For example, one rodent study published in 2013 examined the effects of the cannabinoid on symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The study suggested that CBG was able to impact the mice in the sample by affecting nitric oxide production in macrophages and reducing ROS formation in intestinal epithelial cells. Both of these factors can worsen digestive discomforts, and therefore this CBG study is interesting. The study indicates that CBG could perhaps be considered for clinical experimentation in human studies for IBD one day in the future. Reducing symptoms of inflammation is a vital part of the recovery process from exercise, and CBG may possibly impact your post-workout comfort levels. However, more human trials need to be performed before we can make any conclusions.

CBG and Appetite

Ensuring that you provide your body with all of the correct nutrients (in sufficient quantities) is a core part of the recovery process from exercise. After all, you need to refuel the energy that you have lost, in addition to helping your muscles grow. Appetite loss can occur for a range of reasons, such as illness, anxiety and stress (these are just the tip of the iceberg). The good news is that CBG may be able to impact some hunger-related symptoms. One rodent study that was published in 2016 examined the effects of the CBG cannabinoid on the appetite of rats. The study indicated that CBG was a relatively safe and well-tolerated substance for the rodents in the sample. The researchers also suggested that CBG consumption may have helped to increase the appetite of the rats. Allegedly, it more than doubled their regular food intake and also increased the size of their meals. Of course, human trials and studies are necessary in order to discover the possible ways that CBD may influence appetite in humans.

Can CBG Make You Lose Weight?

The impact of CBG on weight loss is not yet clearly defined in scientific studies and more research is still needed for definitive answers. That said, its potential role in appetite regulation and metabolic processes merits consideration. Preliminary research, mainly in animal models, indicates that CBG may influence appetite, though its effects on human metabolism remain under-explored. In terms of CBG and exercise recovery, it may facilitate more consistent workouts, but it should not be viewed as a standalone solution for weight loss. Weight management is a multifaceted issue, and anyone considering CBG for this purpose should seek advice from healthcare professionals.

CBG and Bone Growth

Strong bones are important for your general health and wellbeing. This is even more vital for active people and athletes. People who are athletic regularly put a great deal of pressure on their bones and muscles during training. Therefore, it's a good idea for them to ensure that their skeletal system is as strong as possible. If the bones weaken or are not strong enough to cope with the intensity that you're putting your body through, this can lead to stress fractures. One review published in 2009 examined the scientific literature on the effects of cannabinoids on the body's skeletal system. Following the examination of both rodent and human studies, the researchers suggested that cannabinoids may potentially impact some signs of bone weakness. 

In addition to this, one study published in 2009 indicated that there might be a potential connection between bone density and CB2 receptors in mice. It also raised the suggestion that CB2 receptors might help to maintain the health of bone metabolism. The natural activities triggered by these receptors could therefore impact some signs of bone decay related to age. Finally, research from 2015 indicated that cannabinoid receptors might possibly help to strengthen the tissues that connect fractured and broken bones, as well as help to actually trigger the formation of bones.

What are the Downsides of CBG?

While CBG for fitness is gaining attention for its potential health benefits, we can’t overlook potential downsides:

  • CBG research is still relatively new, so there isn’t as much comprehensive data on its long-term effects and safety profile.
  • Although generally considered safe, some individuals may experience side effects from CBG, such as dry mouth, fatigue, or gastrointestinal discomfort.
  • CBG, like any supplement, could potentially interact with certain medications, similar to other cannabinoids. 
  • The legal status of CBG can be ambiguous in some regions, given its association with the cannabis plant. For instance, CBG for athletes could be a concern as these individuals may be subject to testing prior to competitions.

The Future of CBG Research

It's exciting to think about the future of CBG research, as new and interesting findings could occur at any moment, particularly those related to health and exercise. It's important to remember that research is currently still in its early days when it comes to the CBG cannabinoid; therefore, more research is required to determine dosages for specific symptoms and preferences.

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